Guidelines for Oral Presentation

Should you wish to prepare some PowerPoint slides to support your presentation:

  • Submit your presentation materials in PowerPoint format via email to the secretariat ( by February 10 (Mon), 2025.
  • As a precautionary measure, we recommend having a copy of your presentation on a portable memory device.
  • If you are unable to submit your presentation materials by the stated deadline, please visit the Preview Room to submit them no less than two hours prior to your presentation.

To avoid compatibility issues with the projector, we do not recommend using your personal laptop for presentations. If you must use your own laptop, please contact the secretariat via email.

Guidelines for E-poster

    1. E-poster Submission
  • Please log into your account, navigate to your abstract submission on ‘MY PAGE’ and upload your poster until January 25 (Sat), 2025. Poster submission will be available on the website after notification of acceptance.
  • 2. Format
  • pdf / less than 5MB
    Any videos and / or audios will NOT be supported
  • 3. E-poster Size
  • The Maximum file size: (W)1080 pixel x (H) 1920 pixel
    The poster title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s) should appear at the top
  • 4. E-poster sessions will be held in the lobbies on the 2nd and 3rd floors of COEX
  • Presenters are required to be stationed by their e-posters at the designated presentation times. The presentation schedule will be communicated to the presenting authors, accompanied by detailed guidelines.